Talk about mega meal plans. During Commonwealth Games 2010, the main dining hall in the Games Village will dish out a whopping 36,000 meals a day to feed a family of 10,000 players, officials and coordinators for a fortnight. The menu will be drawn from across every continent and put through rigorous checks to ensure none of the guests suffer any adverse consequences.
Catering divided into "food clusters"
 | Catering will we divided into "food clusters" depending upon nutritional requirements of athletes.
Hydration is key
 | Hydration is key. Water vending machines will be place strategically in the Village. Juices, energy drinks and cold drinks will be available in ample quantity in the main dining hall, casual dining halls and carts at convenient points.
Cuisine from every continent
 | The menu will be put through a safety check and will feature cuisine from every continent.
Specific "athlete venue meals"
 | Each venue will offer specific "athlete venue meals" based on the requirement of participants of the event being hosted there.
Birthday surprise for players
 | During the main meals in the Games Village, there will be special surprises for players like a birthday cake or a special food corner to showcase Indian delicacies.
Know thy food
 | Every food item will bear a tag listing ingredients and nutritional value of the item. |
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