
Monday, January 5, 2009

India and Pakistan differ - naturally (Editorial)

It really is a most piquant situation. India and Pakistan, bickering neighbours for now, along with the United States, who one could call the 

mediator, all agree something happened and something needs to be done. But no one’s quite figured out just what and how it will be done. 

India says it has solid evidence that implicates Pakistan in the attacks on Mumbai, Pakistan says they’ve got nothing. The US, meanwhile, does some flip-flops. Stern against Pakistan while in India, US officials turn kinder in Islamabad. First the yanks said the accused in the attacks should be extradited to India, then they say the culprits can be prosecuted in Pakistan itself. 

We all know that people have been arrested in Pakistan, and buildings sealed. Or have they? We are assured the government in Islamabad is cooperating and will act. But will it? The surviving terrorist is supposed to be from an area called Faridkot. But Pakistan says there’s no case here. Apparently, an FBI team visited the area. But US officials say nothing to either deny or confirm that. So, did they? 

Pakistan says it is awaiting evidence from India, and that India is saying their probe is going on. But is it? Then, we were told we are also considering war. But then, those were apparently the Freudian slip kind of remarks. 

Our neighbour also makes noises, moves a few military trucks up and down, and scares the daylights of its own citizens by making a few jets roar over its cities. But then, that’s just keeping vigil, apparently. 

So, what does one do, and just what is going to happen? Not known at the time of writing. By way of comfort one might add that south Asia is a theatre more theatrical than others. 

Everything is just an enlargement of the way we conduct our streetfights. Lots of oaths, much vengeful promising and waving of hands. But it’s all mutually calibrated to a degree. Actually wading in isn’t quite half as satisfying.

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